[ANNOUNCE] Webserve, new release [0.90]

Goffredo Baroncelli kreijack at tiscalinet.it
Tue Apr 15 20:27:58 BST 2008

Hi all,

after few months of no-work, I updated the bazaar "stable" branch up to the 
devel branch.

Webserve is a web interface to a bazaar branch.

The major changes respect the previous stable one are:
- the code was redistributed in several files in order to avoid the old one 
monolithic file ( the old hgweb.py file was about 1900 lines )
- it was implemented a self test suite. Until now, 200 tests are implemented
- the HTML output was re-tested on the w3c sites in order to check the 
compatibility with the latest standard ( all the pages passed the control )
- a new changelog was implemented, in order to permit a better browsing of the 
   * the history is displayed from the latest revision, following
     the leftmost parent. So the merged revisions aren't displayed. [1]
   * on the right, thare are the link for parents [P], for children [C] and 
     for merged revision [M] and merger revision [c] [2]
   * near the revision-id, the dotted revno is displayed also
- webserve now support tag [3]
- it is possible to cache the index in order to increase the speed (try the 
emacs repository at [4] )

- the tests are performed over multiple repository format

Comments are welcome, you can see this interface in action at


The the readme file is available at [5], where it is possible to found more 
info. In any case you can browse some branches at:



[3] http://goffredo-baroncelli.homelinux.net/bazaar/bazaar-webserve?cmd=tags
[4] http://goffredo-baroncelli.homelinux.net/bazaar/emacs.trunk

gpg key@ keyserver.linux.it: Goffredo Baroncelli (ghigo) <kreijack at inwind.it>
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