Jargon busting: CRUD
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at ukr.net
Mon Apr 14 14:27:54 BST 2008
Ben Finney пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> writes:
>> Talden пишет:
>>> Even if this were implemented as properties, I would expect all
>>> properties under a special namespace (EG 'bzr:') would be hidden
>>> from prop-get, prop-set commands - each would, I expect, have it's
>>> own set of CRUD commands.
>> What is CRUD?
> The canonical set of operations on database objects: Create, Retrieve,
> Update, Delete. <URL:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CRUD_(acronym)>
/off: you have very fancy e-mail and I get mail delivery error every time.
Even when I delete some words from them. I'll starting to teach myself to not
press ReplyAll on your messages.
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