use bazaar to log changes (especially file removals) in a directory recursively

Rahul Nabar rpnabar at
Fri Apr 11 23:45:16 BST 2008

Here's a Bazaar feature that confuses me: How can I query a parent dir
recursively and get a log of what changes occurred in all sub-dirs and

Let's say I have  a dir ~/parent with two files in it 1.txt and 2.txt.

bzr add ~/parent

added parent
added parent/1.txt
added parent/2.txt

bzr commit ~/parent

After this I set up a daily cron job that:

bzr commit ~/parent --message "Daily automatic commit of changed files"

So far so good. But if one day I removed 1.txt. The next daily cron
commit would capture that.


But a month later if I wanted to know the history of what went on with
this dir. and I try:

bzr log ~/parent

I only get my first "manual" commit as output with no indication of
the removed file.  Which log would the "file removal" message be
accessible through?  How can I figure out what files were deleted etc.
over time?


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