Pending merges

James Westby jw+debian at
Wed Apr 2 12:33:36 BST 2008

On Wed, 2008-04-02 at 11:28 +0000, Xavier Maillard wrote:
> > It's not the only reason but I am finding that BB outages are recently
> > really getting in the way of doing reviews - it is not responding at
> > the moment for instance.  I realize that it's possible to review from
> > mail and indeed that is what I should do now, but BB is just so nice
> > it's hard to go back.
> How many code reviewers do you have in the bazaar core team ? Maybe you sould
> try to increase the team ?

The number is around 10.

New people are added as they show competence and willing, it's just that
there's no-one new who has reached the bar for a while.



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