Fix a botched log-message

Stefan Monnier monnier at
Tue Apr 1 09:53:09 BST 2008

>> How can I fix a log-message in some old revision?
>> (like "cvs admin -m<rev>:<msg>")
> You can't.  History is immutable.

This is an annoying limitation.  Botched log messages happen.
And since they don't cause mis-compilations, they tend to be
discovered late.

Also, when you mess up a piece of code, you can just fix it and
re-commit (even if the mess up is 10 years old).  OTOH if a log-messages
is messed up and you can't change it, where are you going to write down
the relevant info to make sure that in the future people looking for the
relevant log-message will find it?

There should at least be some way to add post-facto annotations of
some sort.

As for the immutability of History, I happen not to agree with it:
History (in contrast to the *past*) is very much mutable and even varies
with the point of view.

> If it's the most recent revision, you can "bzr uncommit" it and then
> commit it again with the message fixed.

I'm thinking of log messages that can be several years old.


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