What do I call a working tree that stores its revisions in a shared repository?

Stefan Monnier monnier at iro.umontreal.ca
Tue Apr 1 05:26:44 BST 2008

> Ah, sorry. I see. My point was different - I don't like shared
> repositories because of the organisational limitations they impose, so
> I prefer to use standalone branches. However, they are too slow to
> use, so to get a reasonable level of speed back, I'm considering using
> an OS copy rather than a bzr branch.

I suggest the following hack:

   bzr init-repo ~/var/bzr-foo

and then for every branch of the `foo' project, first create it
underneath ~/var/bzr-foo, then move it to where you want.  After the
`mv' the branch will not work any more (because Bzr can't find the
repository), but you can easily fix it:

   ln -s ~/var/bzr-foo/.bzr/repository .bzr/

> I agree that if I was comfortable using shared repositories, my point
> about copies would be more or less irrelevant.

With the hack above, you get to share your repository without imposing
any particular structure.


PS: One thing still missing about repositories is
the ability get a "list of branches" stored in it, and being able to
check-out a branch from it, even if the branch isn't available anywhere
else than in this repository.

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