PyCon quick update (including Jython interest)

Guillermo Gonzalez guillo.gonzo at
Tue Apr 1 04:09:29 BST 2008

On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 11:51 PM, Ian Clatworthy
<ian.clatworthy at> wrote:

   I terribly missed this message.
   great news :-D

>  I also chatted to the Jython guys. They are very keen to get Bazaar
>  running on Jython and want us to create a page on their Wiki explicitly
>  listing what features and standard libraries we need from 2.4. Perhaps
>  the guys working on Java IDE integration could get that communication
>  process going?
   I already played a bit with Jython (and the now dead JythonX) and
Bazaar, without success :-( (obviously).
   I offer as a volunteer to perform this task.



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