what is going on when bzr push shows 'Copying signature texts' progress bar?

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Mon Mar 31 13:41:55 BST 2008

Martin Pool пишет:
> On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 9:55 PM, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> wrote:
>> Anytime I'm trying to do initial push to my server bialix.com via bzr+ssh
>>  I see phase 'Copying signature texts' for most of the operation time.
>>  Why it took so long? Or may be bzr is not sitting in this phase actually, but
>>  another code is not updating progress bar correctly?
>>  Both local and remote repository is shared repo in pack format.
>>  AFAICT, after packs is landing progress bar behaves much worse than with knits.
>>  Often it shows 0/0 phase etc.
> The best way to debug it would be to run with -Dhpss and look in
> .bzr.log, which will show you what it's doing when it's paused, and
> how long different operations are taking.

Actually bzr is not paused. During mentioned phase it fetch a lot of data from
server (~800-900 KB of data).

> Because packs access less on disk files (which is good for latency),
> the progress bar gets updated less often.  We should fix this, either
> by making packs explicitly update it more often, or I'd also like to
> try the approach of making the io layer update the progress bar to
> show traffic.

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