RFC: TortoiseBzr strategies
Vincent Ladeuil
v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Sun Mar 30 18:27:01 BST 2008
>>>>> "Ville" == Ville M Vainio <vivainio at gmail.com> writes:
Ville> On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 1:39 PM, Talden <talden at gmail.com> wrote:
Ville> I tried to get bzr-gtk installed but gave up quickly.
I had to setup an pygtk env last week and my previous experience
with perl-gtk was a bit frightening (find the libraries from 5 or
different sites, compile some, re-compile perl itself, patch,
patch, patch)...
Then, from http://www.pygtk.org/, I found:
Right on the first page :)
The installer provides:
- gtk required libs,
- python,
- pygtk.
May be not the latest versions, but recent enough.
There is an option to *not* install the python provided though
(if you have one already).
On a clean XP, it installed flawlessly (many clicks but no
answers needed :).
And the guy said
"If you wanna help, patches are welcome".
Which means that an even simpler installer may be created.
Once installed, I pointed BZR_PLUGIN_PATH to my linux mounted
~/.bazaar/plugins, just for fun (half hoping it will be enough
but ready for the worse)..
And you know what ? It worked. viz, gblame, anything I could
think of in my 5 minutes tests.
May be windows may not be *so* hard to support for bzr-gtk.
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