Some unscientific timing results (on the Python source tree)

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at
Sat Mar 29 13:56:26 GMT 2008

Talden wrote:
>>  I would also be interested to know the load on both machines. Hg's cgi script
>>  does (effectively) a zcat | bzip2 to stream out the data. Which is nice for
>>  bandwidth, but puts a rather heavy load on the server. I'm not sure what happens
>>  when you have 10 people branching at the same time. (Which *might* be an issue
>>  for a project like, probably isn't for others.)
>>  I know we've considered doing that for bzr+http:// but we haven't decided if it
>>  is worth the server load yet. (We could probably make it configurable, but there
>>  is always the 'you should work the best you can "out of the box"' problem.)
> It seems that the most common case across the potential user-base of
> Bazaar is not 10+ people branching at once.
> For systems with potentially large numbers of concurrent branching
> operations, having a 'turn off stream compression' switch seems a
> reasonable tuning _option_ rather than a default.
For estimating server load this might be somewhat less rare than you 
imagine at first.

In Fedora we have which hosts multiple projects on two 
servers.  Simultaneous branching doesn't have to be of a single project 
to increase CPU load; it can be of multiple projects on the same server. 
  I'd imagine that many organizations are going to have a centralized 
server for all their repositories even though bzr can support a more 
decentralized usage.


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