Some unscientific timing results (on the Python source tree)

Talden talden at
Sat Mar 29 00:58:28 GMT 2008

>  I would also be interested to know the load on both machines. Hg's cgi script
>  does (effectively) a zcat | bzip2 to stream out the data. Which is nice for
>  bandwidth, but puts a rather heavy load on the server. I'm not sure what happens
>  when you have 10 people branching at the same time. (Which *might* be an issue
>  for a project like, probably isn't for others.)
>  I know we've considered doing that for bzr+http:// but we haven't decided if it
>  is worth the server load yet. (We could probably make it configurable, but there
>  is always the 'you should work the best you can "out of the box"' problem.)

It seems that the most common case across the potential user-base of
Bazaar is not 10+ people branching at once.

For systems with potentially large numbers of concurrent branching
operations, having a 'turn off stream compression' switch seems a
reasonable tuning _option_ rather than a default.


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