Emacs repository benchmark: bzr and git

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Mar 29 04:34:59 GMT 2008

Xavier Maillard wrote:
> What's more, it takes really long time to perform things even
> with a pretty new bazaar repository. I have switched a few
> projects just to take measure and no matter how big is the
> history, all operations are rather expensive in time compared to
> any other DVC I am using.

That's strange. Are you comparing to mercurial or git ? Which version of 
bzr were you using (bzr --version) ?

> As my python skills are rather small, I can't contribute much
> to help "profiling" the code.

I think giving the name of the projects (if they are open source) and 
the commands you were using would be enough to see an eventual problem. 
I don't have experience for large projects with long history (the 
biggest project I use bzr with is ~ 2000 files with ~ 4000 revisions), 
but I compared those with mercurial a few months ago, and they were 
comparable in speed for branch/st/ci/diff commands (log and blame were 
much slower, but again, if there is no history, I don't think that's 
what you are talking about).



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