Emacs repository benchmark: bzr and git

Xavier Maillard xma at gnu.org
Sat Mar 29 01:00:05 GMT 2008

   > [1] Bazaar tends to assume you want to work with the whole tree for
   > every operation.  I think this might be the root cause of a lot of the
   > disappointment in Bazaar's performance.

   Actually, as far as I can tell, most of the above problems are unrelated
   to "single file vs whole tree": it takes about the same time to do it on
   a single file than on the whole tree.

What's more, it takes really long time to perform things even
with a pretty new bazaar repository. I have switched a few
projects just to take measure and no matter how big is the
history, all operations are rather expensive in time compared to
any other DVC I am using.

As my python skills are rather small, I can't contribute much
to help "profiling" the code.


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