RFC: TortoiseBzr strategies

Blake Winton bwinton at latte.ca
Fri Mar 28 15:57:39 GMT 2008

Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> And I have another proposal slightly unrelated to your document: to 
> re-brand TortoiseBzr when it will be ready to 1.0 release.

As a user, the first thing I looked for when I started looking at Bazaar was 
TortoiseBzr.  The name has a long history, and taking advantage of that is, 
IMHO, a good thing.  It's also nice to not have to have the following conversation:

Q: "I'm looking for TortoiseBzr.  Where is it?"
A: "What you really want is Ravlik."
Q: "What's that?"
A: "It's just like TortoiseSvn, but for Bazaar."
Q: "Why didn't they just call it TortoiseBzr?"
A: "..."



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