RFC: TortoiseBzr strategies

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Fri Mar 28 12:01:13 GMT 2008

I don't have any special feedback. Your document is simply incredible. bb:approve.

I only have one question about this sentence:

`Although somewhat dependent on bzr itself, we need a strategy for binary releases (ie, it assumes python.exe, etc) and 
integration into an existing "blessed" installer.'

What the second part of this sentence means?

About binary releases: probably because I'm currently do "blessed" installer
(in any case what it means) I can say that I'd like to see TortoiseBzr
shipped together with standalone installer.

Also about GUI: QBzr is potential candidate for cross-platform GUI.
But it maybe not so polished like bzr-gtk, and needs more manpower.

And I have another proposal slightly unrelated to your document: to re-brand TortoiseBzr
when it will be ready to 1.0 release. When I don't know that you will work on this project,
I'm started to improve packaging of it and deciding how to move it a bit forward.
And I completely dislike this "cloning" rut: TortoiseCVS was first "tortoise" in the world,
all other is just clones and second-hand copies.
As well including cloning the logo of tortoise in glasses with project abbreviation on the shell.

I have idea to call it "Ravlik" (without bzr suffix at all).
Ravlik is a snail in Ukrainian language. We can make a good new logo from it.
Snail is also have a shell, like a tortoise. And it also is not too fast,
like a tortoise :-)

Of course, I suppose this name maybe very bad sounded for English ears.
Or may be this creature has bad reputation in other cultures.
So it's just an idea from one ordinary guy.

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