Bazaar User Guide: Workflows

Paul Moore p.f.moore at
Fri Mar 28 09:08:43 GMT 2008

On 27/03/2008, Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at> wrote:
> I think the underlying reason is one that you guys have been raising a
> lot lately: mental model. For Git and Mercurial, the underlying model is
> a vanilla DAG and commands map to DAG operations. For Bazaar, the
> underlying model is different. Technically, there's a DAG but
> conceptually it's more complex that than - a branch only has one head
> and the LHS is special.

If that's the case (and I've no reason to doubt it) then you
*definitely* need to get something written up about it! Even with your
example, it still hadn't clicked with me that the model might be
different. (And I still don't see what the "correct" model is).


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