Split hinks ?
Vincent Ladeuil
v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Thu Mar 27 13:28:57 GMT 2008
>>>>> "Xavier" == Xavier Maillard <xma at gnu.org> writes:
Xavier> Grump. Ignore previous mail, damn it, wanted to report an
Xavier> incorrect key stroke and *used* an incorrect key stroke...
>>>>>> "vila" == Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr> writes:
Xavier> <snip/>
aaron> I use the "vimdiff" plugin. This lets me edit the
aaron> file in place, with a clear idea of what has changed.
aaron> I assume vimdiff is not to your liking, but Emacs must
aaron> also have a diff mode. You can invoke it with "bzr
aaron> diff --using $EMACS_DIFF $FILENAME"
vila> Or from inside emacs:
vila> C-M-| bzr diff [path]
Xavier> 'M-|' (shell-command-on-region) not C-M-| (undefined)
vila> M-x diff-mode
I forgot to mention that:
- 'diff-mode' needs only be called once (since further commands
will reuse the same buffer),
- I should really write to hook to avoid typing that repeatedly
- 'bzr merge --preview [<path-to-merge-from>]' is useful too
vila> And, once in diff-mode, you're free to use:
vila> - C-c C-c to go to the file referenced in the diff (you will be
vila> positioned at the exact char you cursor is on in the diff)
vila> - C-c C-a to apply/un-apply any hunk,
vila> - C-x C-w <file.patch> to save the patch for further reference
vila> (which basically gives you bzr shelf and strong basis for any
vila> cherry-pick for free :)
Xavier> That's another way to do. There is also the excellent DVC.el package.
I *am* using the excellent DVC package, sorry if my comments
didn't reflect that, I was describing how I addressed some points
not covered (to the best of my knowledge) by DVC (which I
consider the best solution to work with bzr from emacs (but I'm
obviously biased :)).
Main points (for me):
C-x V s (dvc-status)
brings up a buffer handy to add/remove.ignore directories/files
(rename ?)
C-x V = (dvc-diff)
brings up a buffer presenting a combination of bzr status and
bzr diff, allowing selective file commit.
Both of the buffers above use a superset of diff-mode and
provides the same shortcuts to navigate quickly not only in the
files you're working on, but on the parts of these files you're
working on.
Vincent (shamelessly accumulating material for the wiki page)
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