Bazaar books [was Re: Fwd: [Python-Dev] Primer on distributed revision control?]

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Thu Mar 27 00:34:48 GMT 2008

Russel Winder wrote:

> Back to the main point though, when are the book(s) on Bazaar going to
> be on the bookshelves?

I have no idea, sorry. I know one or two people who were going to write
one but decided against it after the new User Guide arrived because they
felt it filled the gap for many developers.

I think this is a *great* opportunity for someone with the time and
energy to make it happen. There is certainly a market now and that
market will only increase, hopefully exponentially :-) , in the future.

I can say that I'm not working on one and not planning to any time soon.
My focus will be on improving the core docs and removing other adoption
barriers as outlined here:

BTW, there is a wiki page for people to put up book ideas: Perhaps a few people could get
together and work on one?

Ian C.

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