[MERGE] Add mail-mode GNU Emacs mail package as a mail_client option.

Aaron Bentley aaron at aaronbentley.com
Wed Mar 26 05:29:29 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Xavier Maillard wrote:
>    Xavier Maillard wrote:
>    > As designed by Bojan earlier today, here is my modified version
>    > of it.
>    Please include merge directives as attachments, not inline.  Attachments
>    are easier for people to open in external tools, and look better in
>    Bundle Buggy.
> As of 2008, there are still MUAs that do not support MIME. Rmail
> is one these clients for example. Although I will add my future
> contributions as MIME attachment, I think you should also take
> care of non-MIME aware clients by providing a --inline to the bzr
> send command.

I'm of the opinion that clients that don't support MIME are obsolete,
but I wouldn't block you trying to add it.

I will repeat that in modern mail clients it is annoying to receive
patches that aren't attachments.

> Concerning Bundle Buggy, I tried to use it several times and it
> is all full of "internal error" so I doubt it is of any use at
> the moment (or there is something wrong on the server side).

It seems I was accidentally sabotaging it.  Between that and the upgrade
I just gave it, it's not having a good day.

>    bb:resubmit
> What's that ?

It's a review of your merge request: "Please make the requested changes
and re-submit".  Bundle Buggy honours it by moving your request from the
"pending" list to the "resubmit" list.

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