Some unscientific timing results (on the Python source tree)

Martin Albisetti argentina at
Mon Mar 24 14:12:56 GMT 2008

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 10:56 AM, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
>  First, we wanted to use as much of the existing svn infrastructure as
>  possible.  Write access to svn is controlled by a common user, with a
>  single authorized_keys file containing a command to run svnserve with
>  the proper arguments (including -t and --tunnel-user).  We simply
>  extended all that infrastructure, creating a new shared user with a
>  different authorized_keys file.  This latter used a command of "bzr
>  serve" with arguments translated to make sense for Bazaar.

Currently, branching through http is faster than using the smart
server (this is being worked on, though).
On the other hand, pulling/pushing/merging, is much faster with the
smart server, which is fairly trivial to use if you have bzr installed
on the server, and users have ssh access.
You just have to use bzr+ssh:// instead of http:// in the URLs for
these operations.



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