Some unscientific timing results (on the Python source tree)
Barry Warsaw
barry at
Mon Mar 24 14:03:13 GMT 2008
Hash: SHA1
On Mar 24, 2008, at 8:32 AM, David Cournapeau wrote:
> Paul Moore wrote:
>> Good point, I'd forgotten that. But I repeat that I wasn't trying to
>> optimise, rather to "just use" what the people setting up the
>> repositories had suggested I use. (I don't even know if there's a bzr
>> smart server I have the ability - as a user without commit access -
>> to
>> use).
> I understand the nuisance as a user, but I am not sure you can blame
> bzr if nobody set it up for good performances. Maybe bzr server is
> harder to set up than mercurial, at which point it is a bzr problem
> (I don't say it is, I just don't have that experience).
It's very possible that we (Thomas and I) didn't set up most optimally. A brief description of what we did
follows; suggestions for improvement are welcome!
First, we wanted to use as much of the existing svn infrastructure as
possible. Write access to svn is controlled by a common user, with a
single authorized_keys file containing a command to run svnserve with
the proper arguments (including -t and --tunnel-user). We simply
extended all that infrastructure, creating a new shared user with a
different authorized_keys file. This latter used a command of "bzr
serve" with arguments translated to make sense for Bazaar.
http access was even simpler; we just set up an alias pointing into
the Bazaar shared repository directory.
If anybody is interested and has ideas on how to tune the server side,
ping me on irc. I'm 'barry' on, and usually hang out
on #mailman and #launchpad (and now, #bzr).
- -Barry
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