adding my entire home dir with a "bzr init ~/"

Brian de Alwis bsd at
Sat Mar 22 05:40:37 GMT 2008

On 21-Mar-2008, at 2:51 PM, Matt Nordhoff wrote:
> You'll need to "bzr add" any new files. Unfortunately, thanks to
> ignoring *, you'll have to add each file specifically, instead of just
> the directories they're in.

Apparently .bzrignore supports using Python regular expressions by  
prefixing a line with RE: which I've found pretty handy. For example,  
I use the following in my .bzrignore:

> RE:(?!((bin|\.bazaar|\.mutt|\.sitecopy|\.R)/)| 
> (.unison/.*.prf|.mutt)).*
> .bazaar/svn-cache
> .bazaar/plugins

The first line excludes everything *except* the specified set of  
directories and files (~/bin, ~/.bazaar, ~/.mutt*, ~/.sitecopy, ~/.R,  
~/.unison/*.prf).  The subsequent lines provides refinements to  
exclude particular files within those directories: for example, I  
don't want to include any installed bazaar plugins or the bzr-svn's  
cache files.

You can find the python regex syntax documented at:


  Brian de Alwis | Software Practices Lab | UBC |
       "Amusement to an observing mind is study." - Benjamin Disraeli

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