Bugs with rich-root-packs

Aaron Bentley aaron at aaronbentley.com
Thu Mar 20 05:11:47 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> Aaron Bentley пишет:
>> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>>> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>>> I don't know that these are release blocking bugs, as I would guess this
>>> isn't a
>>> regression. It *is* something that needs to be fixed before we make rich
>>> roots a
>>> default. (Which was discussed at the sprint, at least a --pack-1.3
>>> which is
>>> rich-root-pack with a couple small updates.)
>> Yeah, it's looking more like --pack1.4 at this point.  I need to hash
>> out the disgreements me and Robert have a bit more.
>> rich-root-pack is never going to be a default format, so I think it's
>> okay if we release 1.3 with the inability to convert the Bazaar source
>> tree to it.
> If you mean that subtree will be next default format then I should say
> that rich-root
> bug present and in conversion to subtrees.

I mean that --pack1.4 will likely be the next default format.  And by
the time we're ready to make it the default, I'll be sure to address
these issues.

But more to the point, no one needs to be converting old branches into
rich-root format right now, and it's especially a bad idea with the
Bazaar source tree, because it's a watershed and you won't be able to
get your changes into bzr.dev.

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