[MERGE] improve documentation of send/merge relationship

Peter Schuller peter.schuller at infidyne.com
Sun Mar 16 19:47:48 GMT 2008

> What about just using 'location' ? I don't really care, though I think
> "BRANCH_OR_MERGE_DIRECTIVE" is starting to get pretty long.

I agree it's long.

Personally I have to say I would prefer "source" over "location", in
spite of the possible confusion with source code. The reason being
that "source" feels just general enough while still being spot on. It
conveys the fact that it is where something is being obtained *from*
(as opposed to e.g. the target repository of the merge). It is also
consistent with the currently proposed text, which says "The source of
the merge can be specified....".

Obviously a trivial fix. I'll resubmit with whatever is preferred by

/ Peter Schuller

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