[MERGE] improve documentation of send/merge relationship

Peter Schuller peter.schuller at infidyne.com
Sun Mar 16 19:17:10 GMT 2008


> +    with bzr send. If neither is specified, the default is the upstream branch
> +    or the branch most recently remembered using --remember.
> ^- Maybe "most recently saved using --remember" or "most recently merged with
> - --remember".

Changed to latter.

> ^- When merging a branch, by default the tip will be merged. To pick a different
> revision, pass --revision. If you specify two values, the first will be used as
> BASE and the second one as OTHER. Revision numbers are always relative to the
> branch being merged.

Changed. Note that this paragraph was not originated by me, though the
patch may have given that impression because I had to touch all of the
lines as a result of adding some at the beginning.

> We might also want to mention "cherrypicking" as part of what happens when you
> specify two revisions.


> ^- This makes the help look nice, but breaks the command.
> Specifically, the name here is turned into a python variable to pass to the "def
> run()" function.

Sorry, I should have tested and/or actually read the surrounding code
more carefully. I payed attention to it this time.

> And you can't have a variable named "branch|merge_directive". We could change
> this to "branch_or_merge_directive" if you prefer.

The attached bundle does branch_or_merge_directive. I also considered
just "source", to be general yet short. I kind of like it, but on the
other hand it may be confusing in case the reader interprets it as
"source code". Opinions?


/ Peter Schuller

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