Workflow - Tracking upstream repository with local patches

Andrew Bennetts andrew at
Fri Mar 14 15:38:09 GMT 2008

Paul Moore wrote:
> On 14/03/2008, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at> wrote:
> > real svn revno used as suffix in bzr revision ids. At least they don't lost
> > completely.
> Ah, I didn't spot that. That's good enough, I guess.

It should be possible to add a helper for this to the bzr-svn plugin.  It could
look something like:

  $ bzr convert-revno --from-svn 61383

  $ bzr convert-revno --to-svn 38512

(Maybe someone else can think of a less ugly UI for it...)

The output would be branch-dependent, of course.

Maybe "bzr log --show-ids" is good enough, though.


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