Emacs Bazaar repository

Nicholas Allen allen at ableton.com
Fri Mar 14 14:37:11 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1
Andreas Schwab wrote:
| Matthieu Moy <Matthieu.Moy at imag.fr> writes:
|> As opposed to that, bzr makes the distinction between "mainline
|> revisions" (that you commited in the branch), and merged revisions
|> (ancestors of merge commits that you brought here with a merge).
| Is that a useful distinction?  I think git treats all branches equal,
| there is no "mainline".  If you merge two branches that touch different
| parts of the tree there is no need to distinguish the two threads.
I disagree! I LOVE this distinction. Each commit on a mainline is for a 
feature if you use feature branches. I want to see these 2 features as 
separate things regardless of whether they touched the same or different 
parts of the tree. Bazaar has the UI spot on I think - it just needs to 
perform better. I have been using Bazaar since 0.8 and I can tell you 
the performance improvements they have made so far are huge. They are 
still working on performance and I'm sure they will fix this issue in 
the not too distant future as they have a very good track record of 
doing so....


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