Bazaar "batteries included" distribution, anyone?

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Thu Mar 13 10:04:17 GMT 2008

Ville M. Vainio пишет:
> Mercurial has a "batteries included" distribution for windows (ok,
> it's now "tortoisehg", but it still has the same stuff), which
> includes all the handy GUI tools as well as the core distribution.
> Perhaps bzr could do the same? This is a biggie on windows market, and
> I have to admit it's much easier for me as well to browse the history
> with "hg view" - and installing all the pygtk stuff is a drag, I
> didn't manage to get it working even if I thought I had pygtk
> installed ('import gtk" works, but bzr-gtk still complaint about
> missing pygtk).
Try QBzr.

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