Global shared repositories

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Wed Mar 12 08:14:45 GMT 2008

Ville M. Vainio пишет:
> Shared repositories currently require a certain project directory layout.
> Wouldn't it be handy to provide an environment variable (e.g.
> BZR_SHARED_REP_DIR) to point to a shared repository that is global for
> all the projects in the machine? If the shared repository is merely a
> container for old revisions, there is no real point in associating it
> so tightly with the physical branch location.
> Likewise, in theory, wouldn't it be possible for e.g. launchpad to
> have one huge shared repository where all the projects had their
> revisions? Are there problems with the scalability of shared
> repository architecture that prevent this (file locking etc.)?

No, please.

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