display of merged revisions in loggerhead and log
Michael Hudson
michael.hudson at canonical.com
Tue Mar 11 23:26:13 GMT 2008
Martin Pool wrote:
>> > Displaying the branch nick is very good, though I wonder if the
>> > particular way it is shown here may be taken to mean that eg 3221.1.13
>> > of "prepare-1.2" was merged, which will not generally be true.
>> I don't understand this. In the screenie I posted
>> (http://people.ubuntu.com/~mwh/hacked_up_changelog_view_3.png) this
>> revision _is_ merged, surely?
> The revision is merged, but it may have had a different number in the
> branch it came from (typically a mainline number). That said I cannot
> think of a better display for it at the moment.
Oh I see. Loggerhead displays every revision number in the context of
the branch you are viewing, and I can't really think of anything clearer
than that...
>> > The 'description' field seems redundant?
>> Well, the table only contains a short version of the commit message.
>> bzr.dev and pqm being what they are, the full version is probably the
>> same as the short version here, but in general it's not.
> 'short' meaning that it only displays the first line?
Yes, roughly speaking.
> Maybe it'd be
> possible to have the rest of the message appear when it's unfolded,
> rather than having two fields?
That's probably a good idea. I wonder if it can be done automagically
with css trickery...
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