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James Westby jw+debian at jameswestby.net
Tue Mar 11 21:33:59 GMT 2008

On Tue, 2008-03-11 at 18:00 +1300, Michael Hudson wrote:
> But there are some situations where it's harder to see what the 
> associated line of development is.  The case that prompted me to write 
> this mail was that of viewing the annotated version of a file -- where 
> should you go when you click on a revision number of a change next to 
> some line of the file?  To the page for the mainline revision that 
> merged this change?  Seems wrong, but if you go to the revision itself, 
> I don't know what line of revisions it should be associated with.  It 
> could just be the merge sorted list of revisions that changed the file I 
> guess -- but that is out of character with all the other lines of 
> revisions used elsewhere.

Hi Michael,

I think going to the revision referred to, but for all files would
be what I expect. I can see why some people may expect it to be
for the one file though.

Would going to the full tree help in any way? It would then mean
the line of revisions could be the normal list of revisions.

Maybe I have missed your point.



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