loggerhead navigation

Michael Hudson michael.hudson at canonical.com
Tue Mar 11 05:00:14 GMT 2008

So I've spent a little while trying to clean up loggerhead's navigation, 
which has always confused me a bit.

The idea I've been working with is for every page to be 'contained' in 
some sense in, or at least associated with, some possibly filtered line 
of revisions.  So for example, the front page view is rather easy: it's 
just the mainline of the branch with no filtering.  Clicking on the 
'changes' link next to a file takes you to a view that shows which 
mainline revisions merged revisions that changed the file.  If you look 
at a revision that was merged in to the mainline of the branch, then the 
line of revisions is taken by working backwards along the chain of 
leftmost parents.  This all seems to work reasonably well, and means 
that every view can have a previous and next link in a sensible way and 
so on.

But there are some situations where it's harder to see what the 
associated line of development is.  The case that prompted me to write 
this mail was that of viewing the annotated version of a file -- where 
should you go when you click on a revision number of a change next to 
some line of the file?  To the page for the mainline revision that 
merged this change?  Seems wrong, but if you go to the revision itself, 
I don't know what line of revisions it should be associated with.  It 
could just be the merge sorted list of revisions that changed the file I 
guess -- but that is out of character with all the other lines of 
revisions used elsewhere.

Opinions most welcome.

(seriously, please reply :)

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