[MERGE] Merge Check EOL plugin into the core.
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at ukr.net
Tue Mar 11 13:32:35 GMT 2008
From help topic:
The 'checkeol' plugin installs special pre-commit hook to Bazaar VCS.
This hook allows you to check content of committed files for kind
of line-endings. If your project has strict policy about style of
source files you could automate EOL check with such plugin.
If some of committed files will have inappropriate line-endings
commit will be aborted.
Here is the patch to merge this plugin into the core.
Development branch of this plugin hosted at Launchpad:
To get the plugin from my branch use the command:
bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bialix/+junk/checkeol
I changed name of configuration file to .bzreol.
Old name .checkeol is still supported but deprecated.
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