Understanding the user guide.

Sebastian Bassi sbassi at clubdelarazon.org
Mon Mar 10 17:34:20 GMT 2008

I am trying to follow the tutorial here

Regarding part 5 (Team collaboration, central style), there is
something I think is missing.
In the picture here
there is a blue boy and a red girl. The blue boy does 1 (bzr checkout)
and 2 (bzr update). This is explained in the text (in 5.1, 5.2 and
5.3). But the last part of the picture (the red girl doing 3, that is,
bzr commit) is not explained.
Does she has to make bind like the blue boy? She has to have her own
branch in the server?

Sebastián Bassi (セバスティアン). Diplomado en Ciencia y Tecnología.
Curso Biologia molecular para programadores: http://tinyurl.com/2vv8w6
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