permissions problems on sftp repo
Neil Martinsen-Burrell
n.martinsen-burrell at
Mon Mar 10 16:49:06 GMT 2008
Thomas Nichols wrote:
> This looks interesting, but I haven't got to the bottom of using bzr+ssh
> to communicate with the bzr smartserver. Anything I should be reading?
> I've worked through
> *
> *
> *
> but not yet worked out what I'm supposed to be doing. Is it yet possible
> to run a bzr serve process on the server, and have clients access it
> over SSH (read/write) without needing to set up an explicit SSH tunnel
> on each client? I want something like a 'bzrserve+ssh://' protocol...
As far as I know, there is no way to get SSH tunneled, authenticated
access without using bzr+ssh:// where each user starts their own server.
It is of course possible to set up a persistent SSH tunnel from the
client machine to the bzr port on the server (ssh -L 4155:
server; bzr branch bzr://localhost/path/to/branch). This takes care of
encryption for the connection, allows for a persistent server with
appropriate permissions and with firewalling should give some security.
It does push authentication off onto the server machine, where anyone
with SSH access to the server can write to branches on the server.
> Wildly OT: I just can't understand why people are getting so wildly
> excited about git, and to a lesser extent hg, while bzr gets so little
> attention, when bzr is Just So Good(tm). I'm thinking particularly of
> the Rails community, which seems fixated on git, when typical project
> sizes are just a few thousand files, symlinks abound and features like
> directory renaming are really useful. Very odd.
I know, duh! (I find that git and hg are both a bit over-engineered for
my needs. Bazaar fits my needs well and I *love* the flexibility of
standalone branches, checkouts, lightweight checkouts, tree-less
branches and shared repositories. I can work centralized and
decentralized using the same tool, no need to switch or fuss [e.g.
svn/SVK]. I think the reason we aren't hearing the buzz about bzr is
that we may be about one month behind the curve on some features
relative to the other two DVCS powerhouses, and that software ecosystems
are important [code browsers, bug trackers, IDE integration]. Just a
sense I get, no hard and fast data and no criticism implied.)
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