Bzr-svn memory leak - best way to proceed?

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Mon Mar 10 15:06:15 GMT 2008

Am Montag, den 10.03.2008, 15:39 +0100 schrieb Nicholas Allen:
> I know this bug has been fixed quite a while ago but the fix is not 
> easily available for most people and hence it is still a problem. I 
> tried to get it by recompiling trunk svn but then Bazaar crashes and I 
> can't work out why. I believe this fix made it into a Hardy package but 
> I don't want to upgrade to Hardy yet while it is still in alpha. Also 
> what can I do on Windows about this?
The windows packages should already contain this fix too as I
 understand it, as well as the packages in Debian unstable/testing.

> Is it possible to build a custom svn (for Linux, Mac and Windows) that 
> contains this patch so that we don't have to wait for 1.4.7 and Bazaar 
> can then be used with Subversion right now...
It is certainly possible, just very time-consuming. The time I have
available for bzr-svn is quite limited already and I'd rather spend it
on improving bzr-svn itself. In other words; somebody would have to step
up and do it.


Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> -
Jabber: jelmer at
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