efficiency over NFS

Talden talden at gmail.com
Thu Mar 6 21:55:21 GMT 2008

On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 10:21 AM, Mohit Aron <extproxy at gmail.com> wrote:
> > My view on the issue is that there is a reason very few vcs systems'
> default behavior is file locking. The ones that have edit/lock are generally
> designed for giant repositories such ms windows 100's of branches at 15-25gb
> for lightweight checkout each. Virtually every other new vcs system I have
> seen does not encourage 'edit' because of general dislike of the workflow it
> requires
> Yes, and the proposed 'edit' command has nothing to do with locking at all.
> I DO NOT want the file to be locked. Two developers should be free to 'edit'
> the same file in their workspaces. All 'edit' should do is record in the
> repository that this file is being modified so that the filesystem  doesn't
> need to be consulted. That's it.

Aha so not really like the CVS edit, Subversion lock, VSS or clearcase
edit-locks at all.

So really we'd need at least the following changes...

1. A flag in the branch/checkout options that tells Bazaar we're only
interested in scheduled changes by default
2. An option on status to ignore the flag in (1).  That is, sometimes
we need to look for all changes.
3. An edit command that adds paths to a scheduled list (and 'add',
'remove', 'move' should add paths here too).
4. An option on commit to commit scheduled changes (or perhaps this
could be a default if the flag in (1) is present).

Does this make more sense for what you're after?


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