A question about shared repositories

David Allouche david at allouche.net
Thu Mar 6 20:22:40 GMT 2008

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 9:02 PM, Chris Tavares <cct at tavaresstudios.com> wrote:
 > What happens when you delete a branch from a shared repository? Once I'm
 > done with my work on a particular topic and merged back into main, I don't
 > see a reason to hold onto that specific branch anymore. If I just delete the
 > directory, is that all I need to do? Will there be anything left over in the
 > shared repository?

 The actual revision data will remain in the shared repository, since a
 branch in a shared repository is (mostly) just a pointer to a revision

 If you use a shared repository, that usually means that you regularly
 merge from main into this repository. If the branch was merged into
 main before being deleted, it does not matter that the revision data
 remains when the branch is deleted: if revision data were removed too,
 it would have to be downloaded again when merging from main.

 In short: deleting a branch in a shared repository does not delete the
 actual version control data, but it does not make a difference in the
 end, unless your intent is to erase the data from the world.

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