[merge] look for plugins in arch-independent site directory (was Re: Bundling more plugins into bzrtools)

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 18:53:01 GMT 2008

Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> Alexander Belchenko has voted comment.
> Status is now: Waiting
> Comment:
> I'm not sure that new test 
> test_set_plugins_path_includes_arch_indep_directory is needed. It 
> basically repeats the same logic as in real code, so it's not clear for 
> me why we need it. 

Yeah, that test would protect against breaking assumptions with a code 
update (for instance, if new code was committed that removed the 
arch_indep logic in plugin.py) but it isn't that great.  Ideally we 
would remove all conditionals from the test.  If you know how to "hide" 
distutils then a better set of tests would preconstruct the 
expected_path and check that it gave the right path with distutils 
available and with it hidden.

> Also I noticed that old test that failed has their 
> own implementation for preserving environment variable. It seems for me 
> as thinko (accroding to abentley). We already have mechanics in TestCase 
> to automatically clean environment and restore it back after each test.
> Hm, may be I need to update your patch myself.
That would be fine with me.  I'm not familiar with the specifics of 
bzrlib's test suite.


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