AW: Is there a "real" download site for bzrtools?
Voelker, Bernhard
bernhard.voelker at
Tue Feb 26 18:44:48 GMT 2008
option "-c" means "continue", i.e. if a download was stopped, a subsequent
call using "wget -c" will continue from there (if the server supports it).
Have you tried "wget -m" option?
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: bazaar-bounces at [mailto:bazaar-bounces at] Im Auftrag von Wichmann, Mats D
Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. Februar 2008 18:50
An: Bazaar
Betreff: Is there a "real" download site for bzrtools?
For reasons I won't go into, I use a script
to download the bits that go into my LSB
bazaar package, which bundles several things
together for our use.
The script does "wget -c" on each of the
tarballs, expecting that if the file is already
fully retrieved it will just skip it. With
the new Launchpad download address, it doesn't
work this way, I guess the download manager
stuff has some fancy crud that breaks wget's
ability to see the file size or whatever it
uses to make the decision that the file is
already retrieved, so it refetches it each time,
even though I already have it. [Ahem. One could
consider this broken :( ].
bzr continues to be available at a "real" web
address ( in addition
to the launchpad downloader but I'm not finding
anything similiar for bzrtools at the moment.
Could maybe a copy go into the place bzr tarballs
are stored?
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