[MERGE] Updates to annotate

Robert Collins robert.collins at canonical.com
Thu Feb 21 19:49:47 GMT 2008

On Thu, 2008-02-21 at 12:42 -0600, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Robert Collins wrote:
> | On Wed, 2008-02-20 at 16:26 -0600, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> |> Hash: SHA1
> |>
> |> The attached patch changes how annotate works. This isn't the last step that
> |> I'll be doing to refine annotate, but it does make a significant improvement.
> |
> | I don't like the change to get_components_positions - can you enlarge on
> | what its for? I'd rather see a new method that does what you need
> | without causing more data to be pushed around for things that don't need
> | it.
> |
> | The rest seems fine.
> |
> | -Rob
> Well, the places that are currently using get_component_positions are actually
> using the extra data, I just didn't finish updating them.
> Specifically, get_line_list needs to know about newlines and currently has to
> re-query the index to find that out after the fact.
> It doesn't need the parent_ids, though. But it seemed to make sense to have an
> api that gives slightly more info than you need rather than creating 2 apis that
> give almost identical values.

Depends on the work the index has to do. I'm looking forward slightly to
the new delta support and external references, and there I figure
generalising knits code further to be less specific will be useful; In
particular the newline thing is an abortion :|. It would be nice to
include it in the index result but as something optional (because its
compressor specific) rather than as part of the
everything-can-rely-on-this api.


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