[MERGE] Upgrade ConfigObj to version 4.5.1

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Feb 19 15:07:10 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Alexander Belchenko wrote:
| Matt Nordhoff пишет:
|> Matt Nordhoff wrote:
|>> Hiya,
|>> I just saw that ConfigObj 4.5.1 was released yesterday, so here's a
|>> patch to upgrade bzr's copy.
|>> Yikes, 100 KB. That's a little large for email. :-\
|> Helloo?
|> Want NEWS updated for 1.2rc1?
| I think you need update news for 1.3.0dev0. Then we wait one more week
| and if no one comment on your patch I'll merge it. OK?

If it is only upgrading ConfigObj that seems fine. I haven't done a line-by-line
review of the patch.

However, I think we upgraded it once, and actually had a small regression. We
had patched ConfigObj so that it didn't load the validation suite when we
weren't using it, which saved a a large amount of startup time.

I think Andrew has been looking at startup time again, so it would be nice if we
could coordinate any upgrade to ConfigObj with whatever needs to happen to keep
our startup time low.

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