[RFC] Automatic Plugin Suggestion

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Mon Feb 18 22:51:30 GMT 2008

> > Then they can evolve in different directions.  We can try, if desired,
> > doing lookups from the net, or by consulting a list of plugins
> > packaged for a particular system.  Or you can take the default plugin
> > suggestion and install it by apt or some other mechanism.
> There are many approaches for this bit, maybe it's worth waiting til
> the sprint to discuss the plugin installation method?

Sure - I wasn't asking you to do this now, rather just saying that
with those interfaces people can develop them in interesting
platform-specific ways.

> Where exactly would I add this in the patch?
> Under docs/en/developers/?

doc/developers (which is implicitly in english).  And if you add a new
file, please add it to index.txt


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