how to force recalculation of sha1 for versioned file?

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Mon Feb 11 14:48:02 GMT 2008


I have the problem.

I keep binary disk image under bzr version control. This image I mount under Linux
with command:

mount -oloop firmware.bin /mnt/update

After I did changes in this image I do umount and then ask bzr for status of
the tree with my firmware.bin.

Unfortunately `bzr st` says that nothing changed. Because mount don't change
timestamp nor size of this file. Unfortunately bzr uses this 2 values
to avoid sha1 recalculation, and therefore bzr don't see my changes.

It seems like this trick is fairly new, because back in November 2007
I'm working with the same branch and don't have such problems. I'm not
sure but in November I'm using bzr ~0.91 or even earlier version.

I could understand this change should speed up status operation, but
it seems like in my case bzr does the wrong thing.


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