[RFC] Solution for Bug 135320 UnicodeDecodeError
Müller-Reineke, Matthias
matthias.mueller-reineke at grundvers.de
Mon Feb 11 11:49:32 GMT 2008
a german umlaut in a file name makes it impossibble to merge two branches with bzr 1.1 (see Bug 135320). This seems to solve the problem:
=== modified file 'bzrlib/dirstate.py'
--- bzrlib/dirstate.py 2007-12-19 08:12:34 +0000
+++ bzrlib/dirstate.py 2008-02-11 10:41:12 +0000
@@ -1839,7 +1839,7 @@
output_lines = [DirState.HEADER_FORMAT_3]
lines.append('') # a final newline
- inventory_text = '\0\n\0'.join(lines)
+ inventory_text = '\0\n\0'.join(map(osutils.safe_utf8, lines))
output_lines.append('crc32: %s\n' % (zlib.crc32(inventory_text),))
# -3, 1 for num parents, 1 for ghosts, 1 for final newline
num_entries = len(lines)-3
What do you think about it?
Unfortunately I didn't understand the purpose of DirState exactly so I don't know how to create a correct module test for my bug and it's solution.
Matthias Müller-Reineke
Grundeigentümer-Versicherung VVaG
Große Bäckerstraße 7
20095 Hamburg
Tel: 040 - 3 76 63 - 199
Fax: 040 - 3 76 63 - 98 199
<mailto:matthias.mueller-reineke at grundvers.de>
Firmensitz: Hamburg HRB 13 103
Vorstand: Heinz Walter Berens (Vors.), Rüdiger Buyten
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Peter Landmann
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