[MERGE][1.2][#185394] Disconnect and reconnect the smart medium after getting "unknown method" error from server if a request body was sent.

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Fri Feb 8 09:28:19 GMT 2008

>>>>> "john" == John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> writes:

    john> We don't store any SSH credentials. We might save them
    john> if they are using paramiko, but if we are spawning
    john> openssh, it is the one that prompts for passwords/key
    john> passphrases not us.

Damn it ! Since I use seahorse which takes care of that as long
as I don't reboot, I keep forgetting that case.

    john> So while you are correct for HTTP requests and maybe if
    john> paramiko is the ssh provider, normal bzr+ssh *will*
    john> prompt multiple times.

You're right.

    john> We are both right, just looking at different pieces.

Hehe, yes, we are both right, but Martin may be even more right ;)

Having to enter the password multiple times is a severe usability
bug IMHO.

It renders bzr unusable. Either because you're become mad
entering you password repeatedly or because you're not there to
enter it (batch mode).

But for SSH there are already 4 ways to address the problem:
- put user:pass in urls (cough),
- use auth.conf,
- use a caching agent like seahorse,
- use host keys.

So this may not be *so* severe after all ;)

That beings said, when we use paramiko, *we* prompt for the
password but I'm afraid that we don't save it in the shared


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