[MERGE][1.2][#185394] Disconnect and reconnect the smart medium after getting "unknown method" error from server if a request body was sent.

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Thu Feb 7 22:36:43 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
|>>>>> "john" == John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> writes:
|     john> Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
|     >>>>>>> "martin" == Martin Pool <mbp at canonical.com> writes:
|     >>
|     martin> Martin Pool has voted tweak.
|     martin> Status is now: Conditionally approved
|     martin> Comment:
|     >>
|     martin> My biggest concern is the disruption to users who
|     martin> enter their password on every reconnection.
|     >>
|     >> The connection sharing is there to *avoid* such situations, if it
|     >> fails it's a high (critical even) status bug and should be fixed.
|     >>
|     >> Vincent
|     >>
|     >>
|     john> I think you misunderstand.
| Thanks for your explanation, but I think *you* misunderstand ;)
|     john> We are forcibly dropping the connection and
|     john> reconnecting because the server on the far end cannot
|     john> handle our request.
| The same way an http transport close the connection on transient
| errors and reconnect to re-try the same request.
| What the connection sharing mechanism do is saving the necessary
| credentials once the first connection to a server succeeds, so
| any subsequent connection may reuse the same credentials
| without asking anything to the user.
| <snip/>
|     john> So we drop the connection to clear it out, and then
|     john> reconnect.
| Fine.
|     john> Andrew is working on an upgrade to the protocol to make
|     john> the server handle unknown requests in a cleaner way
|     john> (his V3 proposal from a while ago.)
| Never find the time to reply to that :-/
| But my feeling was that this went in lengh-prefixed direction and
| that was the most important point for me.
|     john> So I agree we don't really want to reconnect, but it is
|     john> necessary in this case.
| Sure, no problem, my point was just to remind that we don't have
| to prompt the user again, we still have the needed credentials.
|    VIncent

We don't store any SSH credentials. We might save them if they are using
paramiko, but if we are spawning openssh, it is the one that prompts for
passwords/key passphrases not us.

So while you are correct for HTTP requests and maybe if paramiko is the
ssh provider, normal bzr+ssh *will* prompt multiple times.

We are both right, just looking at different pieces.

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