[MERGE] bzr.exe: move builtin plugins out of library.zip to directory 'plugins'

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Wed Feb 6 15:11:37 GMT 2008

Ian Clatworthy пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> This patch finishes reorganization of built-in plugins support for bzr.exe
>> that I started before bzr 1.0.
>> Now builtin plugins resides in filesystem,
>> so user is able disable them, if needed.
> Hooray for this bit in particular.
> bb:tweak
> Some minor changes and some questions below.
> setup.py:
> * Should you be trapping the existence of __init__ more generically?
>   e.g. something like
>         if module.endswith('__init__'):
>             module = module[:-len('__init__')]


> * you need spaces around the '+' on line 348


> index.txt:
> * when did this file get created? (Bazaar isn't good at telling me
>   this for a zero length file as best I can work out.)
> * are you confident deleting it is ok?

This file was added by revision 2977.1.3,
revid: ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net-20071121073916-qlpp5gvcf0639r38
committer: Ian Clatworthy
log message: 1st cut at the 'Personal version control' chapter

IMO it was mistake to adding zero-length file to the root of bzr.dev tree.

> bzr.iss.cog:
> * why does the new line 89 refer to "plugins\*.py" when lines 87 and 88
>   use the pattern "dir\*.*"? Will this correctly move subdirectories
>   within plugins?

It's just a glob mask. IMO, it's OK to change it to *.* mask.

>>  Source: "lib\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\lib"; Flags: createallsubdirs ignoreversion recursesubdirs;
>>  Source: "doc\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\doc"; Flags: createallsubdirs ignoreversion recursesubdirs;
>> +Source: "plugins\*.py"; DestDir: "{app}\plugins"; Components: plugins; Flags: createallsubdirs ignoreversion recursesubdirs;

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