Bazaar Auth -plugin

John Arbash Meinel john at
Tue Feb 5 17:23:08 GMT 2008

Timo Reunanen wrote:
> Hi list.
> Two days ago I was thinking is it possible to make secure "bzr serve"
> with custom SSH server using paramiko and use public keys to
> authenticate.
> Yesterday I made proof of concept and results can found from here:
> Ok, I have used bzr and paramiko about two days and this is my first
> plugin, so it is not so beautiful code :)
> Timo.

Thanks for putting this together. Could you give any more description 
about how it is used? Do you still run 'bzr serve'? Does it take a flag 
or just always start up an ssh server? Does it default to port 22? 
(Makes it hard to run as a non-admin.)


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