Bazaar and NetBeans [ was Re: Bazaar 0.90.0 problem merging back to Subversion ]
Russel Winder
russel.winder at
Sat Feb 2 06:51:24 GMT 2008
On Sat, 2008-02-02 at 14:27 +0800, Eugene Wee wrote:
> Hi Russel,
> I have asked about a Netbeans plugin for Bazaar in early November 2007
> but received no replies, and my search of the Web then had no positive
> result. I conclude that there is indeed no Netbeans plugin for Bazaar :(
In the Bazaar vs. Mercurial war that is currently under way, Bazaar not
being available for NetBeans when Mercurial is integrated is definitely
a marketing coup for Mercurial. I agree that Eclipse has far more
market share just now, but NetBeans 6 actually works sensibly on Ubuntu
and is so much simpler than Eclipse that I can see it's share increasing
quite markedly. (Though I still don't see why Sun insist on persisting
with NetBeans rather than just supporting Eclipse, but I am sure there
must be a reason.)
> On the other hand, I have looked into the source of the Netbeans plugin
> for Mercurial and it appears that they were not using some kind of
> Mercurial specific Java-Python API but actually doing some kind of I/O
> redirection. Consequently, Bazaar is at no real disadvantage (other than
> needing to catch up).
I guess that Canonical people need to talk to their Sun buddies to get
Bazaar treated on the same footing as Mercurial in all Sun products.
Dr Russel Winder Partner
Concertant LLP t: +44 20 7193 9203
41 Buckmaster Road, f: +44 8700 516 084
London SW11 1EN, UK. m: +44 7770 465 077
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